The Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a warning to “immediately stop using and dispose of Newish Trade Inc.’s Kidbro Magnetic Chess Game.”
The CPSC said the magnets, which are loose, can “pose a risk of serious injury or death if ingested.”
There are about 20 loose black agents in the box.
The magnets do not meet the requirements for magnet toys since they have one or more agents that fit in the agency’s small parts cylinder. The magnets are also stronger than permitted.
If swallowed, the magnets can attract each other or another metal object and get stuck in the digestive system. They can block the intestines, and cause perforations or blood poisoning. They can also cause death.
The CPSC “estimates 2,400 magnet ingestions were treated in hospital emergency departments from 2017 through 2021. CPSC is aware of eight deaths since 2005 involving the ingestion of hazardous magnets, including two outside of the United States.”
The company has been sent a notice that it has violated federal guidelines, but according to the CPSC has not recalled the game.
The CPSC said the game was sold online on Amazon for about $13. It is packaged in a blue box with “Magnetic,” “Magnetic Effect Chess” and “Intelligence Strategy Game” printed on it.
Inside the box are the 20 or so loose magnets, a blue foam game board, a yellow string and a clear plastic storage bag.
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